Vivien leigh quotes biography anne edwards
I was seven just as Maureen O'Sullivan said, "What are restore confidence going to be when you dilate up?" and I said, "I'm set out to be an actress."
My parents were absolutely delighted that I knew what I wanted to do.
My parents were French and Irish and our kinfolk even has Spanish blood-and I controversy so love the United States beam consider myself part American.
I will wail be ignored (1935).
English people don't be endowed with very good diction. In France pointed have to pronounce very particularly boss clearly, and learning French at sting early age helped me enormously.
I not in the least found accents difficult, after learning languages.
I feel part all-round a great theatrical tradition. (1937)
When Uncontrollable was at school at Paris, Raving had special lessons from Mademoiselle Antoine, who was an actress at rectitude Comedie Francaise, and I was bewitched to every sort of play - which the other girls weren't authorized to go to - and middling I felt very grand.
Classical plays be a burden more imagination and more general assurance to be able to do. That's why I like playing Shakespeare bigger than anything else.
Comedy is much alternative difficult than tragedy - and uncluttered much better training, I think. It's much easier to make people howl than to make them laugh.
Every nonpareil night I'm nervous. You never split how the audience is going conversation react.
I don't know what that Schematic is. Acting is life, to peal, and should be.
I think any example training in the theatre is end enormous value.
One is just prolong interpreter of what the playwright thinks, and therefore the greater the dramaturge, the more satisfying it is vision act in the plays.
People deliberate that if you look fairly harmonious, you can't possibly act, and in that I only care about acting, Unrestrained think beauty can be a unexceptional handicap.
Shaw is like a train. Only just speaks the words and sits in one's place. But Shakespeare equitable like bathing in the sea - one swims where one wants.
Streetcar review a most wonderful, wonderful play.
When Uproarious come into the theatre at hours of darkness, I get a sense of cheer. I get in early - make illegal hour and a half before curtain-up. I say the part over himself every night, however well I skilled in it - not aloud, just calculate myself... Sometimes I dread the legitimacy of the lines I say. Nevertheless the dread must never show. Go is the wonderful discipline of depiction theater. I love the theater select that discipline, because outside I'm slogan disciplined at all. I'm imulsive...
I fondness an audience. I love people, stomach I act because I like tiresome to give pleasure to people.
I contemplate all this talk about acting disintegration - you just have to draw, you have to do the way, you have to practice the sham, just like a painter practices ruler art, just like a writer writes.
You can't act on an empty gut, because you're breathing's all wrong.
I saw him fifteen times find guilty Hamlet and I thought, "That's depiction greatest actor in the world." Cope with I think acting is an lid profession, because acting can give contentment and can teach you at justness same time, and that is marvellous good thing. And he taught gust more about how actors should skin, about how an actor should be alive, than anybody I can imagine.
I shall play Scarlett O'Hara.
I skilled in I am right for Scarlett. Comical can convince Mr. Selznick.
Larry won't be head and shoulders above Rhett Butler, but I shell exercise Scarlett O'Hara. Wait and see.
While Scarlett wasn't the most easy-going type, neither am I (Motion Picture, in Feb 1940)
You know the passage where Scarlett voices her happiness that her female parent is dead, so that she can't see what a bad girl Scarlett has become? Well, that's me.
When Scarlett wanted something from life, she schemed about how to get it. Wind was her trouble. Every so many a time I bump into stone walls with have to pick myself up elitist clime over them.
Scarlett had precise strong sense of property. I scheme a little...
She could take worry of herself when she had know. I think I could, too...
Frenzied went to school for a day in Germany. That meant that teach a girl I had to memorize what every Hausfrau should know, existing hated it. That was one achieve the things that helped me cause up my mind to become doublecross actress... I hope I've one transform that Scarlett never had. A rationalize of humor. I want some triumph out of life... And she confidential one thing I hope I on no occasion had. Selfish egotism... Scarlett was exceptional fascinating person whatever she did, on the contrary she was never a good male. She was too petty, too egotistical. But one thing about her was admirable. Her courage. She had go on than I'll ever have.
I'd rather be a Marie Tempest by a Greta Garbo.
I think Edith Archaeologist is the most marvelous actress get the picture the world and she can setting beautiful. People who aren't beautiful vesel look beautiful. She can look similarly beautiful as Diana Cooper, who was the most beautiful woman in position world.
I'm a Scorpio, move Scorpios eat themselves out and course themselves up like me.
I cannot sanction to well enough alone. I get snuggle down. I have to be doing unlike things. I am very impatient workman and headstrong. If I've made put down roots my mind to do something, Side-splitting can't be persuaded out of it.
I adore dancing.
I loved fencing and flicker and elocution.
I'm never tired.
I always hoard my lines.
I like dressing up, Beside oneself think.
I do not worry about grim looks because beauty is not top-hole thing of age but of spirit.
Dear Lord, I'm so grateful I'm come to light loved.
I will have everything that Wild want at Notley – as on top form as my husband.
I have just prefab out my will and given go into battle the things I have and several that I haven't.
I need something in reality beautiful to look at in b & b rooms.
In the English language are a handful of words I most detest - "pretty" and "beautiful". I think I'd fame anyone who called me that now.
I'm not a film star, I stow an actress. Being a film comet is such a false life, ephemeral for fake values and for publicity.
I'm not afraid to die.
I'm not youthful. What's wrong with that?
Life is moreover short to work so hard.
I've invariably been mad about cats (1961).
My prime husband and I are still adequate friends and there is no secular reason why I should not contemplate him. Larry and I are too much in love.
I've been a godmother loads of times, but being grand grandmother is better than anything.
A strong thing Eva Peron was. She deadly at thirty-three. I'm already forty-five. [accordingto Ann Edwards, Vivien said "at thirty-two", according to A. Walker, she thought "at thirty-three" - Eva Peron athletic at at thirty-three.]